Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fun Summer Sunday At The Lake

We went with Josh and Virginia to Pine View Lake today up Ogden Canyon. I was so nervous about taking Anna on the boat. But she did great. She was very nervous at first, but by the end of the day she was in the lake and floating on the tube with Chris. Virginia is a very good driver and I trust her that she'd keep us safe. The water was so warm, we had a BLAST!

Josh wake boarding

Chris wakeboarding. He did awesome for it only being his 2nd time!

Anna in the captain's seat!

Mom & Anna. The water was so warm!

Dad and Anna. She loved just sitting on the tube and watching the other boats.

Virginia played bartender to the boys. She's still waiting for her tips!!

Virginia did a great job knocking these two around on the tube!

All that hard play and look who falls asleep at the drivers seat! She was so tired that she even slept through the boat hitting big waves while towing the boys on the tube!