Sunday, January 25, 2009

My little girl

Well it's official. My little girl is growing up right in front of me and there is nothing I can do to stop her! This week I found a great deal on a convertible crib off KSL classifieds and this morning Chris set it up for me. Anna told him "OH THANK YOU DADDY!" and has been in and out of it all day. I still have to get a safety rail for the side, but luckily it's low enough that if she does roll out tonight, she won't go very far (don't worry, I'll pad it with pillows!) I figure we'll get her used to the toddler bed for a little while and hopefully by summer she'll be ready for a regular bed.
Anna is very much into imitating us lately. Just tonight Chris and I were do our 30 Day Shred video and she was doing jumping jacks right along with us. And when it came time to do ab work she laid on the floor next to me and did exactly as I did. She makes me laugh so hard some times. She helped to make waffles with Chris this morning, she knew exactly where to go to get the mix, she pulls the milk out of the fridge and hands Chris exactly one egg. Sometimes I forget she's only 2!!