Sunday, June 28, 2009

A lovely little weekend

What a lovely little weekend we had.
Just a quiet, relaxing weekend.
Anna's newest thing is to dump out ALL her toys and then just sit and play with what's around. As long as she picks them up after, I'm okay with this.
On Saturday Chris and I volunteered with his work to man a booth for the MS150 Best Damn Bike Tour. Well by the time we got there after Chris worked in the morning, there really wasn't much for us to do other than help tear stuff down. It was a lovely drive though! After, Chris headed to Malad to meet up with friends and Anna and I headed home (after a quick stop at the Logan Old Navy!!)

My little "monkey". Like mother, like daughter!

Anna showing off her new swimsuit ($5 at the Logan Old Navy, so the trip up north wasn't a complete waste of gas!!)

Sharing the pool with her Bear Bear