Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The words of a 5 year old

There are moments that Anna says things to me that just stops me in my tracks.

I'm making breakfast this morning she she stops, turns to me and says "Mom, I miss my grandpa's. They were such great men."

Mom, I'm going to need a bath tonight. I think that's my feet that stink!

Anna: Mom, can I have a puppy? I promise I'll feed it and play with it everyday!
Mom: We already have a dog and you don't feed her as it is.
Anna: Mom. Bear is YOUR dog.

Anna: Mom, I want to take the day off from school and Debi's.
Mom: Honey, you can't be home by yourself alone.
Anna: Mom! I can take care of myself. I can make my own lunch.
Unfortunately if left alone, her lunch would consist of pop-tarts, strawberry milk and jell-o!

This morning I told her she could ride her scooter to Debi's if she wanted. Since school is out this week for Kindergarten I figured she could play outside with the neighbor kids. So I drove along side her as she scooted her way up the street.

Mom: Anna you need to pick up the speed a bit (she started off quite slow!)
Anna: Mom, I'm in flip flops!

Anna's class was having career week and she'd come home telling me about the parents that came in: a police man, a doctor, a cake baker.
Mom: Anna, what do I do for my job?
Anna: You do things for your boss and he gives you money.

Anna: Mom will you buy this?
Mom: No honey, I don't have any money right now.
Anna: Just go to your boss and tell him you need the money to buy it.

This kid cracks me up!