Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Road Trippin' with a 4 year old

We decided to take a little trip up north to visit Perk for the weekend. Anna opted to stay home so she could attend her friends birthday party. I don't recall my parents giving me that option when I was 6!
"Mom I need to spend as much time with friends as possible since I won't see them anymore"
Arrow. Heart. Guilt.
Abby was a ham on the drive up. Actually I think she really loved (and needed) the one-on-one time with me and Perk.
I heard many variations of this song in 4 hours:
Old Donald had a farm: E.I.LO.LO.LO
The farmer chases the horse
The farmer chases the
The farmer
The farmer chases the horse
What kind of lab would she be if she didn't stick her head out the window?
Since it was dark when we arrived at the new house, we only got to see the inside of the house at first. CAN YOU BELIEVE THE SIZE OF THIS BASEMENT?

This was our view first thing in the morning.
Abby is in horse heaven!

This one liked me.

We opted to check out the happening local scene on a crazy Friday night in a small town.
Let's just say not much was happening.

We did find a GREAT restaurant that if you ever happen to be passing through Driggs, Idaho, you must stop and dine. It's called Tony's Italian and it was probably the best Italian I've had in a super long time! Goodbye Olive Garden, Hello Tony's!

 Abby opted to sleep through dinner. The entire dinner.
 Chris and I hadn't seen each other in a week. He opted to watch basketball while at dinner.
Love that man!

On Saturday we drove around Jackson, checking out Teton Park. Let's just say that Jackson in mid-spring is a lot like Driggs on a Friday night. Not much is happening. We did get to see a mama Moose and her baby laying it the field right off the road. Although it would have been more exciting had they charged the car and tried to eat us, but hey...

I've decided this should be our annual family Christmas card.
Don't knock it.
You might just get one!

I'm not sure who was the bigger grumpier bear this day!
Abby, Bear and I drove home early Sunday morning to find that someone named Wind had tried to take off with our trampoline.

At least Wind didn't touch the dog poop can!