Sunday, July 14, 2013

First week at home

The most beautiful drive to Victor is through Swan Valley. Crossing the Snake River is one of my favorite parts. It's so pretty and peaceful.

I'm pretty sure the sign on the other side of town reads "Victor: End of the Line". That makes me nervous. Should that make me nervous?

The first morning in the new home and this is what I wake up to. Abby does not like having her room in the basement and we're having a helluva time getting her to sleep in her own bed. Anna has been kind enough to share her bed with her, on the hopes that it will help Abby transition into her new room. So far it hasn't worked at every morning at about 2am we hear her little feet shuffling up the stairs and quietly making her way into our bed.

The weekend I moved in, we had our friends Pace and Jan and their cute girls come stay for a few days. It was so nice because Anna and Abby had instant friends to play with all weekend so I could unpack a bit and Perk could rest.

We headed to the Huntsman Springs for their annual Celebrate America Event which would have been great except for the fact that A) we got there too late to really experience the food booth, or bounce houses, B) EVERY person in SE Idaho was there and C) small town Idaho police do NOT know how to manage traffic at these events. At the risk of bring out my truckers mouth that reared it's ugly head this night, I'll refrain from reliving the traffic situation. Let's just say it took us over an hour to get from Driggs to Victor. Which is only 8 miles from one another.  I will say that the fireworks show was awesome and totally comparable to what you'd see at Murray Park in SLC on the 4th.

There is a little restaurant in Victor called Brakeman's that I took the girls to for lunch one day. I figured we needed to start venturing out and seeing what Victor/Driggs have to offer. The service was horribly slow and the chicken was a little dry. Not the best first impression. BUT I keep hearing from all the locals how good the burgers are so I'm willing to give it one more try. For the burgers sake!

Another "new" thing to me is having to deal with a propane tank. Luckily the guys who came out to fill it and do the safety check were very nice. I'm learning that the locals here are all very nice. Luckily the tank is underground and not some ugly white eye sore! Bleck!

Lots of weird weeds here too. Anna and her new friend Maren (pronounced M-ren) collected weeds looking like dandelion blow-seeds and are hoping they turn into Fairies. As in they put the "fairy weeds" into containers and are expecting to wake up one day and see Fairies come flying out of the mason jars.  Not quite sure how I'm going to pull off this one. Pinterest was no help!
This was our first week at home. Nothing too exciting. Just trying to unpack, find places for things, get everything set up so we can just be a normal house, on a regular schedule.
And get Abby to sleep in her own bed.
Oh I crack myself up!!