Sunday, July 21, 2013

Shopping and lunch and bears OH MY!!

The other day Chris and I ventured off into the Big City,  and by big city I mean Idaho Falls, so we could get a few things for the house. I'm not going to lie when I say my eyes lit up like Christmas morning when I saw the Bed, Bath & Beyond and Target signs (it really is the little things in life that make me happy).
So after spending a small fortune at both stores, enjoying a HUGE lunch at Carino's, Chris finally got to do what HE wanted to do. BEAR WORLD!!
I must say the sticker price when you enter the park is shocking. BUT when you realize that you are literally just driving around in THEIR (and by their I mean BEARS, DEER, BISON, etc) homes, you really do get a lot for your money. 58 bears!! 58 wild, unleashed, uncaged bears just hanging out, doing their thing. AWESOME!!

Luckily the price of admission covers the petting zoo and kids amusement rides.
Perk, he's my grizzly!

This goat at the petting zoo doesn't need you to hold the food for him. Just put the quarter in the machine and he'll take it himself thank you!

This pig lives up to its name.

 Anna absolutely loves chickens. She keeps trying to talk us into having some here but I don't think I could do it. She tries to convince me that SHE'LL take care of them.
"Mom.. I PROMISE".
Ya I was a kid too once and instead of chickens, it was kittens.
Nice try Anna.

The good thing about Bear World is that you can enter the park as many times as you want in a day. The second time we did, a big black bear was laying right in the middle of the road, forcing us to drive around him. Anna was a little nervous at times during the park. She kept asking if the Bears would eat us if they got close enough. We of course did our best to keep her calm and try and convince her of how safe we really were.

So this same night Chris is watching JAWS on TV. Of course the kids come in just at the final part of the show where the 3 guys are actually battling JAWS. Remember the scene when JAWS actually eats the boat captain?  Well there was a lot of screaming, hiding under blankets (that was just Anna) and yelling "OH MY GOSH!" (that was Abby).

So it was no surprise when Anna climbed into bed with us at 1:00am after having scary dreams about human eating animals!