Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Prayer Request

My dad has been back in the hospital for just over a week now. Although his kidney function is at 49%, they are not cycling out the toxins in his system. Yesterday the doctors decided to put him back on dialysis to see if that would help and his body went into shock about 3/4 of the way through and the doctors rushed in to his side. Apparently that can happen to the body when it's the toxins vs. the machines. Either way, it was very scary (my mom was there) and my family and I are asking for lots of prayers for my dad to help him through this. He's very tired and weak, and that's not like my dad at all. He still manages a smile once in a while, but he tired of being poked and tired of being sick. So please keep my family, and especially my dad in your prayers tonight.
