Sunday, October 4, 2009

Stay Classy San Diego

We packed up my mom and the RV and took a trip week long trip down to San Diego a couple weeks back. Of course NO road trip can be started without a stop at the gas station in Filmore for a Charleston Chew. It's tradition. I've done it on every road trip we've taken since I was a little kid since my parents always stop for gas in Filmore.Anna did a pretty good job on the ride down. We headed to Vegas for a night to split the drive up.
The Mayweather boxing fight was that night, so it was super crowded. Nothing like driving an RV down the strip!
~Hanging in Vegas~
No matter was limitations they put on smoking in the casinos, they still stink and smell stale.

On Sunday we arrived in San Digeo. Chula Vista to be exact. According to John (who came by for a visit) it's the "Rose Park" of San Diego. The KOA we stayed in was very nice though.

~First stop~
San Diego Zoo

The coast temps were in the low-mid 80's. The weather was great this first day. A little humid for me but not too hot at all.
I haven't been to the S.D. zoo in ages, I forgot how green and luscious it was.Grandma & Anna
The skyride
Me and my mom. Nice hair huh? Blame the humidity!

~Stop #2~
Sea World
Anna playing in Elmo land
And what would Sea World be without Shamu?

Petting the sting rays. Which by the way is a lot more fun if you buy the little dead fish to feed them!
Anna was carried out of Sea World, turned and said "goodbye Sea World" and immediately fell asleep on Chris's shoulders! She had a busy day!Hanging in the motor home after swimming
~Stop 3~
Wild Animal Kingdom
Now remember I said coastal temps were mid 80's. This day, inland it was 105°! HOT. Now if you've been to the Wild Animal Kingdom you know it's set up to be like the African desert. What's the environment like in the African desert? HOT with little to NO SHADE!! Now being 34 week pregnant I don't think I complained that much. But damn it was HOT.
The belly is pretty close!Mom & ChrisMe & Mom
Okay there was a "little" shade. But only at the front of the park!
~Stop #4~
Universal Studios
L.A. is a lot further north from San Diego than we thought. Add in L.A. traffic and freeway construction and you've got yourself a 3 hour drive!! The people at the KOA didn't give the best directions (I saw NO signs). Luckily I have a friend in L.A. who was able to give backstreet directions and get us there in one piece!
Anna LOVES Curious GeorgeDesperate Housewives set
Grandma and Anna on the way home
On the way back to SLC we once again stopped in Vegas for the night. This time we got caught up coming in behind what we believe was Britney Spear's tour set.
Everyone has always raved about In-N-Out Burger. So the whole vacation I kept saying how we needed to eat there. Hum. Really? I don't get what all the fuss is about. You have 3 burger options. Double. With cheese. Without cheese. What's so special about that? Sure the buns are toasted, but that's about the only thing that really made it stick out in my mind as "different". Well now I can say I've tried it.
~The End~