Friday, August 16, 2013

Fitness Friday

As super fun as it was to indulge in burger, shakes, Diet Coke, M&M's, Kneaders French toast, Café Rio burritos, pepperoni pizza, sweet & sour chicken, fries, BBQ chips, movie popcorn (I think you get the point), as fun as all that "was", getting back into shape (and not just round), and healthy and fit and trim...well it's NOT just as fun. Kinda sucks that the older you get the harder it is to take off the weight.
Why didn't anyone tell me this? Oh they did. I'm just stubborn and didn't hear them with the sound of my lips smacking while eating a smothered chicken burrito from Café Rio. Mmm burritos.
Did I tell you the only "fast food" place we have in this tiny little town is a Subway? Three of them to be exact.
So dropping a few pounds is going to be challenging, but I need to do it. This chunky monkey is tired of being chunky. I was to be fast - "like a cheetah" as Abby would say.
According the BMI calculator I AM OVERWEIGHT.
Ya no shit NIH, like my tight pants were an indicator already!
So I have all my gear set up (90's step bench, metal dumbbells and the old skool weight bench). I bough the Zumba DVD set (I want to be called "C" going forward, like G and T on the video!) and also got me a new pair of running shoes. I haven't worn Nike's in Y.E.A.R.S! They look old skool.
Put on a little Adult Contemporary music while I lifted today, and VIOLA! Workout complete.

Oh and don't think I didn't know that Idaho Falls has a Café Rio.
With a drive thru!!