Little Abby is 3 months already. Boy time is going by so fast! I've returned back to work and really hate leaving the girls each day. But I know what I need to do in order to become a stay at home (working from home!) mom. Every day when I pick them up it reminds me of just how much I WANT it!![](
Proud parents![](
The Girls
The Guys
The kids
Proud Grandma Holding
(I LOVE this picture of my mom!)
Aunt Steph
Even Uncle Will (who always tries to avoid the camera)
The Gang![](
Thanks to all our friends and family who came out for Abby's big day. We love you all!!
(Josh and Virginia also came but left before the brunch so I wasn't able to get any pictures of them. They did however provide a great Super Bowl MEAT feast for us!!)