Saturday, March 26, 2011


I was 13 when my first niece Jodi was born. I took her as the little sister I never had. My sister Steph was a teenage mom and still living at home when she got pregnant. Shortly after she broke it off with the dad and was on her own. So we as a family all helped to raise Jodi. I couldn't be more proud of my sister actually. Pregnant at 17 but she still managed to attend school regularly and graduate on time, she even held a part time job to help support her daughter. I don't ever remember a time when Steph wasn't 100% responsible for this little person. Sure my parents were there to help out, but my sister was always the mom first and took that role very serious. Even at just 17.

I don't think I could be more proud of my niece Jodi. She is currently attending college at SLCC and has a huge interest in the psychology field. She's smart. Super smart. And so darn organized. Seriously, ask her about her colored pens she carries around so she can record things in her little notebook. Okay, maybe that's a little more OCD than organized, but this kid is on top of things! She's crazy smart with her money. I've never met a more responsible 20-something. She's been with her boyfriend Larry for something like 5 years now. They met in high school and have been attached at the hip ever since.

I'm proud of this kid. In reality she might be just my niece, but in my heart I'll always think of her as my little sister.

Love ya kiddo!!