Sunday, May 20, 2012

Garden Project COMPLETED!!

It only took us FOUR years, but we finally did something with our corner garden instead of just letting the weeds have their way with it. The previous owners had a large vegetable garden, but neither Perk or I were interested in planting, growing or maintaining that large of an area for vegetables.

Last August when we bought the trampoline the corner area because its home. I got so sick of all the weeds that kept growing that we decided to finally landscape it.

First step: mow the weeks!!

 2nd step: weed barrier!

Sorry for the bad picture. I had my camera on the wrong setting!

Next Step: Mulch. And LOTS of it!

We also dug up the pavers that were in the lawn by the fence gates and placed them in our new area.

 Add some Lily's and Hosta's and you're done!!
 I also planted Burning Bush, Crazy-Eyed Susan and Hydrandia bushes. It should grow nice and full and have lots of color!!
 We moved my swing over, added more pavers and planted lily's and hostas around.

All done!! No more crazy weeds and the kids complaining about the weed stickers. Now it's a nice area to relax and enjoy the garden in.