Saturday, November 15, 2008

6 Things About Anna

1. She is a natural comedian. She loves to make you laugh and be the center of attention. She is either doing something to make you laugh or laughing at your for doing something silly. 2. She is very smart and remembers things quickly. She can count to 10, recognizes when we get close to people's homes ("we go to Nina's, Papa's, Fuffy's" etc). She is fearless and was flying on the swings on her belly and climbing UP her slide the week after we had it (she was only 1 1/2yrs old!!)
3. She makes friends easily. She'll walk up to a kid in the grocery store, grab their hand and say "we walk". She follows the neighbor girl up and down the sidewalk and never notices that she's 3 years younger and that much smaller. She still keeps up.
4. She loves animals of all kinds. She gets excited over horses, doggies, kitties and birds. She knows where the horses will be on Legacy Highway and points them out to me. She'll pat her legs and say "here kitty, kitty" when she sees a cat in the neighborhood.
5. Her little saying melt my heart: "MOM-LOOK!!", "I stuck", "MOM HIDE!!", "Hab a good day", "Time to wake up". She's a total mama's girl. She'll play in my make-up when I'm getting ready in the mornings, will walk around in my heels and loves to cuddle when watching movies.
6. She loves it when her daddy plays monster chase with her. She'll drag me into the closet, shut the doors, shush me and then wait for Chris to come and find us. She'll run and jump into Chris's lap and then say "MOM HELP!" and we pretend Chris is the monster and I'm here to save her.