Thursday, January 7, 2010

35 and 2

Abby turned 2 months this week. She's getting so big!
At birth: 7lbs, 19 inches
At 2 months: 10.5lbs, 21.5 inches

I know Abby looks squished, but I LOVE Anna's smile in this picture!

Another milestone in our home...I celebrated my *gulp* 35th birthday just yesterday.
35 used to seem so old. But it's not so bad.

We took the family (grandma too) to Red Robin for dinner and then dropped the girls off at Aunt Steph's so see could go see the movie Sherlock Holmes (great movie by the way)!! Dad and Anna enjoying a strawberry milkshake at dinner.

I have to tell this story: Chris went with me to Abby's 2mo check-up yesterday. He'd never been to a "shot appointment". Let's just say his little heart broke when Abby started crying after having 4 (yes 4) shots. He felt so bad for her! He held her for a good 10 minutes after our appointment in the lobby. He did not want to put her down. Me? Well I've been through it with Anna so I was well prepared for what happens, Chris, not so much!!