Saturday, May 8, 2010

Race for the Cure 2010

Today we participated in the RACE FOR THE CURE.
We walked under the team "DEBBIE'S DOLLS"

Angie lost her mom Debbie to breast cancer a month after I lost my dad. So today we walked in her memory. What an emotional day it was! I'm so glad I was able to go and support Angie. She's been such a good friend these past few years. I'm very blessed to have her in my life!
I cannot believe how many people were there. I knew there would be a lot, but I was so not prepared for the sea of people. We overheard someone say they were estimated 20,000 people participated today.

After the walk we went to lunch at Applebee's.
No pics of lunch but I did manage to get Anna and Abby while they sampled a lemon slice!