Monday, August 23, 2010

An Amazing Story

My niece Jodi and I attended a financial seminar last week called Smart Women Smart Money (Imagine A Happier You) that was hosted by Zions Bank. It was geared towards helping you financially with debt, budgeting and savings. The conference was very informative and I'm already planning to convert the girls' savings accounts into 529 accounts this week!

The keynote speaker was Lee Woodruff. Now if you're not familiar with her, you may remember the story of ABC anchor Bob Woodruff being on location in Iraq when his convoy was hit by a roadside bomb. Bob was severely injured and by most accounts, should not have survived.

But he did. And his wife Lee tells the story of his survival and more emotionally, her own. Her amazing story is one of strength and spirit. If you have a chance, check out her book "In An Instant" and "Perfectly Imperfect" (that's the one I'm really looking forward to).

It's stories like Lee's that makes me realize how precious life is and how in one instant, everything can change. Living life to the fullest is really what it is all about.