Friday, August 27, 2010

Trouble Times 2!

I was going to wait until Monday to post this under my "Not Me Monday" post, but I couldn't wait. When my kids make messes the first thing I should do is run and get a towel/mop/bucket/cleaner. That's what I SHOULD do. But me being me...I RUN for my camera!
Abby got a hold of a leftover banana in Anna's room.
I'm sure she enjoyed SMASHING it into everything she could!
I've had a nasty cold this week so getting up at 7:30am hasn't been ideal. One morning as I tried to sleep in a bit, I could hear Anna outside laughing and Holly barking like mad. Plus I could tell the water hose was running. Finally I peeled myself out of bed to find that Anna had a dirt fight with Holly. I'm pretty sure Anna won.