Friday, July 16, 2010


She's laying on the couch watching TV
Anna: mom will you get me a drink?
Me: you can get one
Anna: MOM I can't. I'm watching my movie!
Me: Anna!
Anna: Mom, I'm laying down trying to sleep! My eyes are closed!

At my mom's house, she's in the corner for not listening about NOT picking up the kitten for the 1000th time after I've told her not to!
Me: Do you know why you're in time out?
Anna: Because I kicked grandma's fridge and I love butterflies!

Laying in her bed after quiet time
Me: Anna are you going to get up?
Anna: Mom, shhhh. I'm still having quiet time.

We're at lunch with my mom and she's asking us who our best friends are.
Me: Daddy is my best friend.
Anna: MOM! (she gives me this look like how dare I say daddy is my best friend!!)
Me: Oh, YOU are my best friend.
Anna: Oh thanks mom!
Grandma: Anna, who's your best friend?
Anna: Aunt Tanny!