Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Hidden Note At Just The Right Time

You know those days where everything thrown at you makes you question who you are, what you're doing and where you're going in life? Today was one of those days.

But as I reached in the diaper bag my hand came across this folded up page I must have torn out of a magazine. I don't even remember picking up a copy of "Whole Living". But I did. And I tore out this page and I forgot about it.

Until today. When I needed to read these 10 little lines. 10 little lines that at this moment are helping to redefine who I am. What I do. And where I'm going.

1. For the healthiest foods, eat close to the source.

2. Stay tuned in to emotions. They connect you to the moment.

3. When you feel at ease with yourself, you become truly free.

4. Stop talking yourself out of the life you want most.

5. Style has less to do with what you wear and more to do with who you are.

6. Experience the power of pure silence.

7. Every moment of suffering brings an opportunity to build resilience.

8. Don't let fear of the unknown hold you back from making a change.

9. Fall represents a return to roots. Let yourself rest and replenish.

10. Happiness doesn't just happen; it emerges.