Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kamp Kinnersley

We went to Kamp Kinnersley's up in Malad, ID over the 4th of July weekend.

And now, in NO particular order....PICTURES!

Watching fireworks

I pointed out a HUGE bird moth I found and Anna and Avva decided to capture it and "play" with it.

Ang & Jason (Cabo next year for your birthday right Jas???) Abby and Chris - sound asleepCody posing, or something!

My girlsChris can have these guys!Anna and Otis

Abby LOVED the swing!We are going to have SIX TEENAGERS all at once!!Mastering the hula hoop!Cute little family

It was a fun weekend hanging out with all the Kinnersley's. We haven't been up with them in a while so it was nice to catch up and let the kids play.

I have more, but I need to download them off my phone first. Good luck with that!