Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's tough getting old!

I turned the big 36 this year. Ugh I'm getting old!
I will say that Chris loves birthdays and always lets me get away with so much!
I had "honey-do" list that he worked on (willingly might I add!!), he let me go kid-free shopping and he took some time off work so we could be together. The holiday's were SO busy that some nights he wouldn't get home until 9pm and then have to get up at 5am and do it all over again. He works so hard to provide for us, I am so grateful to be married to such a GREAT guy.

But enough about him! This is MY birthday post! :)

On Thursday I went and got my hair cut, then we met my mom at Wasatch Running and I picked out a new pair of running shoes (so excited to get out and start running again!!), I also got a new pair of Keen river shoes and a running pouch for my iPod. After we all went to Olive Garden for dinner (gotta love that Zuppa Toscana soup!!) Great birthday indeed!!
On Friday Chris made me dinner.
Steak, potatoes, green bean and of course....
Molten Lava Dessert!!
On Saturday he offered to watch the kids so I could shopping!
I LOVE Macy's and since they were having their huge 1-day sale I took FULL ADVANTAGE!
Best of all we got to spend 4 days together as a family.
Chris got to rest and I got the outside Christmas lights taken down (thanks honey-do)!!!