Monday, January 31, 2011

A Much Needed Family Day Out

Every hour of the previous weekend was spent working on the basement. The kids were hold up upstairs by a gate and pretty much on their own. Okay not "on their own" per se, but they were left alone to entertain each other while we hung drywall. An occasional PB&J and chocolate milk seemed to keep them full long enough to get some work done!

Chris felt pretty guilty that he didn't get to spend any quality time with the girls, plus he was sick all week so he had very little interaction with them to begin with. So this last weekend he insisted that it be all about the kids.
Fresh cut pineapple and whipped cream for dessert!On Saturday we went to lunch at B.K. so the kids could play, then to Home Depot to price my JETTED BATHTUB and finally to Boondocks. I'd never been there before, it was actually pretty cool.

Anna kicking my butt at air hockeyAbby loved that she could run and play and climb where ever she wanted. This kid is a climber!!
Out of all the prizes to cash your tickets in on, she goes with the snake!
It was a nice weekend spent with the family.