Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Eve Sledding

For New Years Eve Anna and I headed out to meet Sara and her boys for an afternoon of sledding. It was Anna's first time and she LOVED it. I was worried because both girls have had colds, but Anna seemed to bounce back fine. Abby enjoyed the afternoon at my mom's!
Anna and Thaddius Papadakis
(I must say the boys loved Anna. They kept saying "Anna ride with me. Anna I'll pull you up the hill", so she'd sit in the tubes and the boys would pull her up the hill instead of making her walk. such little gentlemen already!!Sara and Mandi
Me and SaraThis would have been a super cute picture had my eyes not been closed! But the blinding snow kinda made it hard to see the pic preview! Oh well.
We're not used to having so many boys to play with.
I think Anna kept up pretty well!
And the best thing, it was easy to spot her since the boys were all in black/grey, and she's in pink from head to toe!!