Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 4 - Laughter

Day 4 is actually suppose to be BOOKS, but seeing that we had Abby's birthday party yesterday and she turns 3 tomorrow, I thought I'd mix it up and have Day 4 be LAUGHTER.
This kid makes me laugh.
We sing happy birthday to her and she covers her ears and just smiles.

She lines up all of her toys almost every day.
At nighttime on the table next to her bed.
Along the edge of the tub.
In the car on the seat next to her.

These two make me laugh because they are both such individuals.
Anna is a jokester like her mama. She'll do anything to make you laugh.
This picture was taken while we were in Yellowstone last August. Driving around the park in the Jeep with the top off. Our hair was a ratted mess, but we were laughing so hard!
This was last April on a Jeep trail that had a lot of water crossing. Chris would speed up just before we were about to cross and water would spray the entire Jeep. Of course we giggled our heads off!

This is Bear when she was a puppy. Total photo bomb. I don't know why this picture makes me laugh, but it always has! Look how stinking cute she was!!

I think laughter is one of the most important things a person can have in their life. They say that laughter is the best medicine ya know!
Here's a funny story for you: back in 2000 we received news that Chris's father had passed away. We're sitting in his hospital room, mourning and crying and feeling so very sad. Chris's grandparents and Uncle Kent are in the room with us. Let me just tell you that Uncle Kent had one of the best personalities of anyone I've ever met. He had such an outlook on life that you never left a meeting with him without smiling. So we're sitting in the hospital room and Kent tell us "when I die, I don't want people sitting around crying. How boring is that? I want to be cremated and shot out of a cannon like on the 4th of July! I want to be stuffed into fireworks and shot out of SLC so I can rain down on everyone". We all start laughing so hard that it actually helped make a sad day much more tolerable. Kent passed away a year ago and although he wasn't creamated and shot out of a cannon, his funny personality and love to make everyone around him laugh are some of the strongest memories we hold of him.
I hope anyone reading this got a few laughs too!